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The subject that concludes the purchase, hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”
The company Luxeway International Limited, with registered office and head-quarter in Hong Kong, hereinafter referred to as “the Supplier”;

Therefore, the Parties hereby agree as follow:

1.Object of the contract

Object of the present agreement is the on-line transaction of goods as selected by the Customer on our web site.
The offer and the sale of products on our web site are regulated by the following general conditions of sale.

2.Acceptance of the general conditions of sale

All the deals will be directly concluded through the access to our web site where the Customer can proceed to the purchase of the goods following the indicated buying procedure.
The present general conditions of sale are an integral and essential part of the sale agreement and for this reason they have to be examined “on line” by the Customer, before completing the buying procedure. Together with the order confirmation the Customer declares to have carefully read and integrally accepted the present general conditions.
The Customer by the mailing of the purchase order confirmation, unconditionally accepts and binds himself to observe the present general conditions of sale.

3.Validity and implementation of the agreement

The validity and the implementation of the agreement run from the date of the e-mail of acceptance sent by the Supplier, subjected to collection of the payment.
The Customer declares to accept the item as it is described in the product card available on the website and to buy for purposes different from trade or professional activity that might involve him.
The Customers commits himself to print and keep the present agreement.

4.Price and method of payment

The prices of the goods include VAT where requested. The Customer undertakes the commitment of paying to the Supplier the transport costs as fixed in the summing up of the costs sent by the Supplier.
The total price of the purchase is the one written at the heading “total payment”.

The payment methods are available on this page: Payments

5.Method, time and costs of delivery

Delivery methods and shipping times are available on this page: Shipments

In any case the Supplier can’t be held responsible for delays in the delivery of the product, hence he can’t be charged of any damage or responsibility.

6. Warranty and supplier's obligations

It is applied the 6 months warranty and refers exclusively to an intrinsic defect of the product, existing at the time of the purchase, and not to a damage either accidental or caused by a wrong use of the product.
Are expressly excluded from the guarantee defects resulting from normal wear and tear or caused during transportation or misuse and / or maintenance of the same.
In case of any defect of the product, been verified, the Customer can – in accordance with what provided in art.6 – return it to the Supplier with whom he can evaluate an eventual replacement of the product (subjected to availability) or the refund of the price payed for the purchase.

7.Personal data protection

The Supplier takes the commitment to handle the data of the counterpart in the full respect of the principles and the regulations of the Code for the Protection of Personal Data.